Hello, I am Terence

I'm a technie and a cyber security enthusiast.

Technical Skills: Web Development (HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP), Programming (C, C++, C#, Java, Python), Scripting (Bash, PowerShell), Server Administration & Auditing (Windows, Linux, Unix), Computer Networking, Ethical Hacking

Enjoys: Watching Korean Dramas, Travelling
  1. Hello There!

    Welcome to my new website! This is a landing page for my domain and a personal blog where I might occasionally post updates. My original website was based on Wordpress. However due to constant vulnerabilities in Wordpress, I have decided to opt for a static website as I do not update my Wordpress regularly, thus it will fall behind in security patches. This website is based on Jekyll, and is using a heavily modified (by me) Jekyll-Uno template. …